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Squall's Hunt

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Squall's Hunt Empty Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:02 pm

Squall: (After about an hour of searching he finally found the place where he was looking for. It doesn't take much effort for him to take down some fighters on his way into the building until he finally burst into the room with the guy he was looking for. Justin's torturer as a kid. His eyes narrow in righteous anger, and his wrath is radiating off him to fill the room with cold malice.) I have been looking for you. (His voice is dark and filled with malicious intent.)

Last edited by LadyAnise on Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:18 pm

Justin: (Comes in behind Squall, just wants to watch. XD)

Man: (Raised his head up when he heard someone burst into the room and his eyes stop on Squall, instantly recognizing him.) Fuck ... (See's another man come in behind Squall, but doesn't really recognize him. The other man feels familiar, but his face is unknown. Here's Squall say he's been looking for him and he stands up and puts his hands behind his back.) To what do I owe the honor of a high ranking guardian paying me a visit?

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:28 pm

Squall: (Gestures to Justin with a hand, without looking back.) This is my son. Justin Leonte. One of the three children you took the sick pleasure in torturing. But that's not the full reason I'm here. (Stalks forward slowly, his chin tilted down lightly, his eyes looking up through narrow slits.) I'm here because you dared to tell my son that his family did not care about him.

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:41 pm

Man: (Looks behind Squall at Justin.) Hmm and here I thought he was dead. Turned our right didn't he. (Looks back at Squall, a smirk forming on his face.) By beating me senseless you think it'll change what I've done. Fine, I'll play your game. (Sinks into the floor with a smirk.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:46 pm

Squall: Hmph. (Doesn't seem to concerned with him disappearing.) No. I don't think it will change anything. It's simply for my own satisfaction. (Standing still, waiting completely alert for him to appear again.) Justin, stay alert. He may try to attack you.

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:52 pm

Justin: I hope he does. (Is alert none the less.)

Man: (Has his voice echoing around them.) Justin? That name is too honorable for a lab rat don't you think? Hmm ... let's see what I can pick up. A wife, ohh, sexy. And three children... mmm tasty.

Justin: (Yeah ...)

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:55 pm

Squall: Playing hide and seek? Fine. (Rears his fist up and then slams it into the ground. The entire floor cracks, the damage radiating up to the walls. Just as it seems everything is settling, Squall's eyes glow a bit and then wind slices erupt from all the cracks.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:58 pm

Justin: (Feels something come up behind him and reaches back and grabs the man and throws him over his shoulders, right over to where Squall is. XD)

Man: Fuck!

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:27 pm

Squall: (Catches him by the throat, spins with him and slams him into a wall next to him hard enough to create a creator in the wall. Most likely snapping some of the dudes bones.)

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:10 pm

Dude: (Grits his teeth as his breath is sucked from him by the impact. His world is spinning slightly from everything that just happened. He underestimated them and now he's paying the price.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:06 pm

Squall: (Hears him suck in a breath and knows it winded him, thus he takes a fist and shoves it brutally into his stomach, crushing more of the guys ribs. Gives him a few seconds to gasp, then after he feels the guy can get a half-way decent breath again, he pulls out claws and digs them into the poor guy, grabbing onto some of the broken ribs, then crushes it in his hand. Pulls out a bloody hand.) That, is true torture. (Pulls the guy closer with that look of murder.) And I'm only getting warmed up.

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:47 pm

Justin: (Just watching, can't tell what kind of expression he has.)

Dude: (Can already feel himself losing consciousness from the pain an injuries he is receiving.)

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:02 pm

Squall: (His expression shows a lack of emotions, when he realizes the guy is already passing out.) Is that all you can endure? (His voice is dark and rough.) Hmph. (Places his hands on either side of the dudes heads and goes to snap his neck.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:04 pm

Justin: (Understands that the guy deserves some punishment but the teaches of right and wrong have been dug into him and he knows when he must do something. Puts his hand on Squall's shoulder and pulls back on it a bit.) Dad that's enough. (Has a tight grip and knows he can yank him off if it comes to that.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:11 pm

Squall: (Could snap the dudes neck in seconds before Justin would have time to stop him, but releases the guy none-the-less.) You are lucky that my son has more compassion than I. (Drops him and lets him hit the floor.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:35 pm

Dude: (Falls to the ground passed out, didn't hear what Squall said.)

Justin: (Let's out a silent breath that he didn't know he was holding. Glad he didn't have to try to stop Squall from killing someone. Didn't want to have to try to pull Squall off because he wasn't sure if he would be able to do it or not.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:36 pm

Squall: (Just turns and walks off, leaving the dude like that.)

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:39 pm

Justin: (Puts his hands over the dude, sending him to Legolas to deal with, then goes and catches up with Squall.)

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:41 pm

Squall: (Just walking, still has blood all over his hand.) You sent him to Legolas didn't you?

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:45 pm

Justin: Yeah, I can't just leave him there. (Walking beside him now.)

Legolas: (Figured he'd have something like this to do later, goes to work. XD)

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:46 pm

Squall: You should have left him. He deserved it.

Magus Sister
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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:50 pm

Justin: He does, but it would go against my nature to leave someone hurt like that just lying there. He would die if he was just left there and I don't know if I could live with myself if I willingly let someone die when I could have done something to save them.

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:13 am

Squall: (Gets a small grin and shakes his head.) You've been around Legolas too long.

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  Iaya Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:29 pm

Justin: (Shrugs.) He's had more of an influence on me than I think he even realizes.

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Squall's Hunt Empty Re: Squall's Hunt

Post  LadyAnise Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:22 pm

Squall: Its not a bad thing. (Just walking out of that place now.) Lets go home. We're done here. Unless there was some other business you had?

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