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Operation Recon

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Operation Recon Empty Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:01 pm

Squall: (The Ragnarok has just landed near the castle of the Magus Sisters. Walking out of the door of the Ragnarok he looks around, vigilant with his Dragon Soul drawn.) I can sense the heavy presence of enemies. Everyone stay alert, we'll be fighting for a while before we can get a decent place to camp.

Ak: (Comes up next to him and places a hand on his shoulder with a smile.) Don't worry, we'll be ready. (Her own two blades are hooked to either side of her hips.)

Squall: (Glances back down at her.) You seem to be in a good mood.

Ak: I am. I'm really looking forward to this.

Squall: (After looking back ahead and scanning the area he grins.) You always did enjoy battle.

Last edited by LadyAnise on Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:19 pm

The people that I know of as of right now that are there: Legolas, Drake, & Justin

Legolas: (Comes out as well and stands near to them.) It's been a long time since I've been here.

Justin: (Just standing and looking around, he's never been here, but he can sense the danger in the air.)

Drake: (Looks around, smiling as usual.) I never made it this far so I guess that's a good thing.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:25 pm

Squall: Yeah it is. You'd be dead if you had.

Ak: (Laughs a bit nervously.) Alright now guys, lets not worry about the past. Lets take out the bastards here who stole our home planet. (Smiles at everyone.)

Squall: (Looks to her and shakes his head. Can't help but grin.)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:34 pm

Justin: I'm not worried about it, I wasn't even born. (Cracks his knuckles.) I get to kill some things so I'm good. (Rushes out to get started on that.)

Legolas: (Just smiles and heads into a tree to get a better look at things.)

Drake: (Still just looking around, wondering what kind of havoc he'd have caused if he'd actually made it this far. XD)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:41 pm

Squall: Don't get too far ahead Justin.

Ak: (Looks over at Squall.) He's a grown man Squall, I think he can handle himself.

Squall: Not why I said that. He gets too far ahead there won't be anything left for me.

Ak: (Laughs.) Oh. Alright then.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:49 pm

Justin: Try not to fall too far behind dad. (Called that out as he disappeared from sight. XD)

Legolas: (Climbing his tree.) I can't remember the last time I climbed a tree ...

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:55 pm

Squall: (Smirks and shakes his head, then starts ahead very slowly, while looking back at Ak.) Keep up, Baby Girl. (Takes off to keep up with Justin. He trust Drake and the others to keep up or catch up later.)

Ak: (Smiles fondly and takes off behind him.)

Squall: (He's not as fast as most of the guardians, but the power behind his strides makes up for it helping him keep up.)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:57 pm

Justin: (He's fast thanks to Legolas and strong thanks to Squall so he's good to go. XD)

Drake: (Looks around, debating on where he should begin. Decides to go in the opposite direction as the others. Hoping to help clear things out quicker if they all took a direction.)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:09 pm

Squall: (Following behind Justin.) Head to the left, Justin. That will lead you to the courtyard. (His voice called out behind Justin.)

Ak: (A ways behind Squall. She's fast, but she still has trouble keeping up. Speed isn't really her greatest quality.)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:35 am

Justin: Right! (Turns and heads the way he was instructed. Likes getting to kill things when he doesn't have to hold back. XD)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:58 am

Squall: (Gets to the courtyard and sure enough, there is a group of those things.) Party time. (Rushes in, and starts fighting.)

Ak: Been a while since I could let lose! (Rushes in too.)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:55 am

Legolas: (He was halfway up climbing his tree when he felt a familiar presence teleport on the ground near him. Looks down and see his wife Ig. Smiles.) Came to join in on the fun?

Ig: (Hears his voice and looks up and smiles back to him.) I didn’t want to feel left out so I came along. ^^

Legolas: (Hops down from his tree and stands beside her.)

Ig: Besides, you’ll fight harder if I’m here. (Winks at him with a smile.)

Legolas: ¬¬ That’s not fair.

Ig: Sure it is. ^^ I mean, when’s the last time you had to protect me?

Legolas: It’s been a long time …

Ig: Yes and if I remember correctly, you are quiet fierce when you are protecting me. (Still smiling.)

Legolas: And you enjoy every minute of it because you’re a spoiled princess. ¬¬

Ig: (Grins and giggles/laughs lightly.) You know it!

Legolas: ¬¬

Magus Sister
Magus Sister

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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:24 pm

[After a while: Justin, Squall and Ak get the courtyard cleared of monsters.]

Squall: (Straightens, seeming to relax a bit.) That's all for now. (Looking about.) There isn't much left is there? (Looking at the ruins of the castle. It's almost completely fallen in on itself.)

Ak: (Gets a sad look.) No... there isn't. (Smiles back at him.) But that's why we're here. To change that.

Squall: (Nods and looks to Justin.) Welcome to the Kingdom of Tericus, Home of the Magus Sisters.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:53 am

Justin: (Nods his head as he looks around.) I think you guys need new furniture.


Legolas: (Helped Ig clear out an area as well and now they have joined Squall on the others.)

Ig: (Looking around as well, you can't tell what she's thinking because she doesn't have much of an expression right now. XD)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:01 am

Squall: I think we need a lot more than furniture. (See's Legolas and Ig as they join them.) What do you guys think? We're going to need a lot of work.

Ak: (Goes over and hooks arms with Ig.) Welcome home, sister.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:05 am

Legolas: We've got time so we can do all the work we want. ^^

Justin: (Climbs up some rubble to get a higher view.)

Ig: (Looks around.) Hmm... if I put those two rocks together ... yeah ... I'll sleep under that and have a home there. ^_^

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:09 am

Ak: (Laughs.) Same old Iaya. (Kisses her head.) Love you, sis. Come on, lets go explore a bit.

Squall: Exactly. We'll get it done.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:52 pm

Iaya: Okay. ^_^ (Heads off to explore.)

Legolas: Don't wander too far. (Crosses his arms.)

Justin: They're not kids.

Legolas: (Smiles.) Now but when you've watched them grow up, you can't help but still be protective of them.

Justin: Ish, you are old.

Legolas: ¬¬

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:21 pm

Squall: (Laughs at Justin's comment.) Yes, he was already old when I met him.

Ak: (Calls back.) I was 10 when I met him! (Then heads off with Ig.)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:35 pm

Ig: (Runs off with Ak. A grin on her face. XD)

Justin: (To Squall.) Old when he met you? (To Legolas.) How old where you then?

Legolas: Nearing a thousand. ^^

Justin: Good lord ... O.o

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:53 pm

Squall: We didn't exactly get along well when we first met. He didn't approve of me for Anise at all.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:41 pm

Justin: (Sarcasm.) I can't imagine why anyone would ever have a problem of getting along with up upon first meeting you?

Legolas: Aw, he's so cute when he sasses. ^-^

Justin: ***

Last edited by Iaya on Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:59 pm

Squall: I'm just that damn lovable. Anise was the exception.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  Iaya Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:02 pm

Justin: (Smiles a little.) I know about exceptions.

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

Post  LadyAnise Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:06 pm

Squall: (Smiles as well.) I can only wonder at who your talking about. (Know exactly who he's talking about. xD)

Magus Sister
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Operation Recon Empty Re: Operation Recon

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