The Dantai Clan
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Justin Leonte

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Justin Leonte Empty Justin Leonte

Post  Iaya Sun May 16, 2010 12:44 am

Name: Justin Leonte

Formal Name:

God Name:

Titles: Guardian

Nicknames: Jay

Guardian: Yes

Occupation: Guardian

Age: 23

Birth Date: Fall

Eye Color/Style: Purple and they are very intense eyes.

Hair Color/Style: Brown and short.

Sex: Male

Race: Nekon, Elf, Dragon

Nekon: Yes

Drotsu: Unknown

Born Or Turned: Born

Sexuality: Straight

Status: Married, Wife: Rosia Leonte

Height: 6'1"



– Wife: Rosia
– Son: Jerret
– Daughter: Rachel
– Daughter: Amber (Griffin)
– Father: Squall Leonhart
– Father: Legolas Greenleaf
– Father: Kenshin Himura
– Mother: Sarah
– Mother: Ak Black
– Mother: Ig Greenleaf
– Brother: Kouwan
– Brother: Darcia
– Brother: Sam
– Brother: Akuji
– Brother: James
– Sister: D
– Sister: Ciara
– Sister: Pixie
– Sister: Isabella, or Izzy for short.

Residence: A cave or den that he created for his family in the Dantai Clan. The cave is in the Dragon lands. He also has a house in the clan that him and his family stay in as well when they are humans. The house is located close to their den.


Information: One of Justin's daughters is a griffin, his other two children are dragons.

Member Of The Clan: Yes

Discovered/Translated: A long time ago.

Translator: Iaya

Last edited by Iaya on Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:17 pm; edited 8 times in total

Magus Sister
Magus Sister

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Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 37

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Justin Leonte Empty Re: Justin Leonte

Post  Iaya Sun May 16, 2010 12:48 am

Justin: That's right you two (Talking to Squall and Legolas). Even though you've been here from the very beginning, who's the guardian that got posted first? That's right, me! (Grins.)

Legolas: ¬¬

Magus Sister
Magus Sister

Posts : 721
Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 37

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Justin Leonte Empty The First Years of Justin's Life

Post  Iaya Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:33 pm

Justin: (He’s very young, but you can tell he is dirty and malnourished. He is around the age of two and a half to three. He is unaware that he has been sleeping since he was born, but he is starting to come too. He’s been hearing voices around him, unable to make out what they are saying. Finally he opens his eyes and looks around. He has never spoken a word in his life, but he knows that he can talk and can comprehend things. Things a child of his age should not be able to do till they are about 10 or 11. Goes to try to sit up but ends up falling off a table, hitting a stone floor and feeling pain for the first time in his life. Shakes his head to try to rid himself of the new feeling. Raises up on his hands and knees only to feel a strong hand wrap around his throat and lift him from his feet. Opens his blurry eyes to see a man looking at him. Long, choppy brown hair with dark circles under his eyes.)

Man: Finally awake are you? Good. We can get started.

Justin: Where am I …? (Having trouble breathing from the grip the man has on him.)

Man: Where you belong.

Justin: I … (He’s confused.) Where’s my family …? (Knows what family is and knows he has some, but doesn’t know how he knows that.)

Man: You don’t have any family, your fathers do not want you so they are leaving you here. (Throws Justin to the ground, kicking him to the side.)

Justin: (Grits his teeth and as he holds his sides from being kicked. Coughs some as his world spins from the blow, feeling himself losing consciences.)

A few months later …

Justin: (Has snuck into a room and stole some bread to eat. Huddles in a corner as he eats it. Knows he has to eat fast before someone catches him. His survival instincts kicking in. After he finishes eating. He heads back to where he’s suppose to be, only to feel a hand wrap around his hair and drag him along.)

Man: Where have you been? The tests are waiting.

Justin: (Struggles.) I don’t want to take them! They hurt!

Man: That’s too bad.

Justin: (Struggles some more.) I want to go home!

Man: (Throws him against a wall.)

Justin: (Hits hard, but is soon back on his feet. Raising up with a defiant look in his eyes.)

Man: Getting an attitude already? I told you that you do not have any family. They don’t want you.

Justin: You’re lying! (Gets back handed hard, but he turns back with another defiant look. Already getting used to the pain he's receiving.)

Man: If that’s the look I’m going to get, we can fix that. (Grabs him and takes him into another room, to give him the beating he feels he deserves. After he’s done with him, he leaves him on the floor.) You’ve got five minutes to be where you are suppose to be or I’m coming back to beat you again. (Leaves.)

Justin: (Curled in a ball on the floor, holding himself as he waits for the pain to pass. Tears running freely.) It hurts … (His mind keeps going back to family, but he doesn’t know why.) I wanna go home … (Coughs some and spits up some blood, spitting a tooth out as well. Slowly manages to get back to his feet, very shaky. Takes a few steps, only to fall onto his face again, passing out once again.)


Justin was beat several times after that, along the year he was awake. It eventually got to the point where he tried to escape and they deemed him too rebellious and put him into a trance to try to brain wash him. They wanted him to forget about family and what not. He went into the trance though and did not wake up, and that’s the state Legolas and Squall found him in that he had to be brought out of. Justin did not remember the time before he went into his trance, but it suddenly came back to him. It’s not so much as the fact that he was beaten at such a young age, he’s more angry at the man that caused it all and would love nothing more than to get his hands on him.

Magus Sister
Magus Sister

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Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 37

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