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Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Empty Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:10 pm

Rosia: (She sits on the wall awaiting for Justin to arrive. A scowl was on her muzzle as she waited, her tail swishing in irritation. Justin wasn't late, but she was early. Still, the fact that he wasn't there made her annoyed. It was only due to the fact that she knew he had been with another girl last night. She hated it when he was with a girl. There really was no reason for her to be angry about it, but in the end, she still couldn't stop her jealousy. Of course, she didn't tell him she was jealousy. She used the excuse that "You're only supposed to be with one person!" and that "You're better than all those shallow human girls." But alas, Justin was stuck in his ways and it urked her each time she knew he was with a girl. So she waited, ready to be on the way out to their next mission.)

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:16 pm

Justin: (As he made his way to where her was suppose to meet Rosia, he wondered if he'd get another lecture. Most likely, yes. He smirked to himself as he thought about it and soon Rosia came into his vision. Walking over to her, he finished adjusting the shirt of his uniform. A bright red mark appeared on his neck from his previous encounter with "Angel." He smirked again, unable to help himself. Goes over to Rosia.) Did you miss me?

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:26 pm

Rosia: (Her head turned toward Justin and she instantly noticed the red mark, narrowing her eyes at the offending mark.) Of course I missed you! When are you going to stop rolling around with those 'humans'? Their bad for you. (She scoffed a bit, figuring there really was no point in lecturing him anymore. She was more than a little unhappy with him, and it was noticeable.) Come on, lets just go.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:29 pm

Justin: "Rolling around with humans?" You know what's funny about that, I am a human! ¬¬ Where are we going this time?

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:44 pm

Rosia: (She ignored his comment about being a human, she was all to aware of that fact, but she loved him all the more because he was human and still treated her like an equal.) Apparently there is some kind of place that's been cursed or something and the village that lives near it has been having some trouble. We're to go and find out what's causing the trouble.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:10 pm

Justin: "Whatever." (Doing some stretches as he walks beside her.) As long as I get to break something, I'll be fine. (Does a few more stretches, then hops up on Rosia like it's no big deal. Using a horn to hold onto her.)

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:24 pm

Rosia: (She rolled her eyes, though she felt a smile. She was already warming up to him.) Alright then, we'll see if we can find something to break. (With that, she hunkered and with one great leap she was soaring into the sky, her wings snapping out to soar.)

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:28 pm

Justin: Sweet. (Smirks as he feels them take off, his hair and clothes being blown back as he looks. Always liked riding on Rosia. Goes over to her snout and stands there, has good balance. Throws his arms out as the wind hits him.) Whoo!!

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:12 pm

Rosia: (Gets a big grin on her face, his happiness infectious. Just flies with him. After a while, she starts getting close to the village.) Do you want to walk into the village to startle them less, or drop into the middle of it and spend several extra minutes calming the people down?

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:19 am

Justin: (Thinks.) Well I'm not really in a "Oh it's okay, we won't hurt you" mode. So we should probable just walk in.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:22 am

Dragon: Yes I figured, last time it took us all day to calm everyone down. (Lands not far from the town. Shakes a bit as she lands and then coils her wings to her back.) Wonder what kind of town it will be this time? (Looks back to Justin.)

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:24 am

Justin: You said this town had a curse on it right? Well then they are probable very paranoid.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:27 am

Rosia: And all gloomy. Hiding in their houses and eating rats cause they don't want to go out. Yelp, I bet it'll be a lovely town. (Grins back to Justin.)

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:30 am

Justin: (Raises his eyebrows.) Uh-huh. I'm glad one of us has given this THAT much thought.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:33 am

Rosia: (Gets a scowl again.) Well someone has to with you rolling around with all those girls of yours. Can't you just pick one and be done with it already? Isn't that what normal humans do?

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:01 am

Justin: But I'm not a normal human. Besides, I haven't met 'the right' girl yet. But I'm content to enjoy the not so right ones till I find that right one.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:06 am

Rosia: (Scoffs.) Fine, fine. Whatever you need to do Justin. But don't expect me to like it!

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:08 am

Justin: Tct. I don't do anything so you'll like it. Besides, I am loyal to one girl.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:37 am

Rosia: Hmph. And who would that be? (All puffed up cause she's mad at him, walking toward the village.)

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:41 am

Justin: (Walking a little behind her.) I'm loyal to you because you're my partner and best friend. You're not a human nor a lover, but you're you're still more important that any shallow girl I end up at the end of the night.

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:42 am

Rosia: (Gets a big grin and turns her head back to him though she keeps walking.) Damn right. (Nuzzles him with her nose. Likes knowing she's the best.)

Magus Sister
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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:43 am

Justin: (Rolls his eyes with a chuckle as he gets nuzzled and then heads on into town.)

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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:49 am

Rosia: (Walking beside him, all tickled with his words, though she played it off snuggly even though she was really embarrassed by it.)

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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:01 am

Justin: (Goes into town and looks around. There isn't anybody there.) Hello! Is there anybody around?

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Dragon's Heart Empty Re: Dragon's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:00 pm

Rosia: (Comes in behind him.) Called it.... (Looking around herself, goes over and peeks in a window.) Um... Justin...... you might want to see this....

Magus Sister
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