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Guardian's Heart

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:01 pm

Rosia: (After Akuji had fused at her, she become more alert, her thoughts forgotten as she tried to focus on her surrounding instead. She wanted to improve. She wanted to get better so that she could be counted as a team member with pride, not reluctance and aggravation. As it was, she was feeling inadequate and she knew she didn't measure up to any of their standards. Once the day was up and after she had eaten she watched as Justin wondered off. At first she just watched him go, but then she got up quietly following after him to see what he was up to. She kept her distance, being as quiet as possible as not to let him know she was there.)

Akuji: (Noticed her leave and shakes his head, wondering if she's going to get chewed out for following Justin. Figures he wouldn't say anything and learn on her own. In the mean time, he stood and walked across the camp, ruffling up Rina's hair as he passed her, a small little smirk on his face.) Fire is the element of passion, keep staring at it like that and your going to get sensually aroused. (He continued walking past her.)

Magus Sister
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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:45 pm

Justin: (As he walks, he notices someone following him. Smells the air and senses that it is Rosia. He's going to ignore her for the moment, hoping she will go away. XD Gets to a spot near a small river, and kicks his shoes and socks off, followed by the rest of his clothing till he is down to just his pants. Takes a deep breath and starts doing some exercises.)

Rina: ¬¬ You'd like that too much.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:59 pm

Akuji: (Stops and turns to look at her.) I'm a guy, of course I would. (Gives a bit of a smirk, and watches her for a moment, then slowly starts heading out of the camp himself. Goes slow enough that if she wanted to follow she could without losing him.)

Rosia: (Stops a little ways nearby and leans against a tree and just watches him for a bit. Not sure if she's going to show herself and talk to him or not. Debating on it.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:10 pm

Justin: (Does a few more moves, then tops and looks over his shoulder.) Can I help you with something?

Rina: (Gets up and decides to follow after him.) I think I’m going to pull a Rosia and follow you.

Magus Sister
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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:14 pm

Rosia: (Steps out into the open, a little shy.) Sorry, I was just wondering where you were going. Do you always come out alone to train?

Akuji:(Smirks a bit, but doesn't look back at her.) If I were Justin,I'd have to turn around and give you the evil glare and then tell you to leave me alone.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:03 am

Justin: Yes I do. (Just watching her.) Show me what you've got.

Rina: Well I'm glad you're not him then. (Chuckles some.) Thank you for taking that spell off of me earlier.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:16 am

Rosia: (She blinked, completely thrown off by his last command. After the first few minutes when the statement began to register, she wondered if she had been stupid to follow him after all.) Okay... (She said hesitantly, then got in a fighting stance, watching him. After a moment, she charged him, and began throwing punches one after the other.)

Akuji: So you noticed did you? I never intended to leave it on you long anyway. It would have jeopardized the mission. After he got a little ways into the woods, he pulled off his robe until he was only wearing his pants and placed it to the side. He was very slender, but still quite toned. Though he was a mage, he had appealed to Justin to help him be physically fit. That way he was able to keep up in battle and if someone closed in on him, he could still defend himself. Causally, he moved into a strange stance and began to do a slow sequence of moves, as if he was dancing with the air around him.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:29 pm

Justin: (Dodges her punches with ease, watching her to see how she performs. Catches one of her punches in his hand to see what impact it would make. Pushes her back by that fist.) Again.

Rina: Well that's good to know. (Just stands and watches him. Arms crossed.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:44 pm

Rosia: (Stumbles back as he pushes her. Takes a deep breath and then charges him again, raises her fist to punch, but instead drops and sweeps her leg for his, trying to knock him off his feet. She doesn't have as much power as most, but she's fast.)

Akuji: (Just goes quiet and continues his moves. Its slow but very fluent moves. Each move causes a muscle to flex tightly so you can tell he's working hard and using each muscle perfectly. He doesn't do this every night, but often.) Join me.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:02 pm

Justin: (Jumps over her legs and flips over her.) Honestly, is that all you have? Amateur tricks?

Rina: What would you like me to do? (Goes over to him so she can join him.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:52 pm

Rosia: (Scoffs and then narrows her eyes, the pupils dancing with an inner fire.) Fine. You want rough, you'll get it. Eat my fire! (Starts throwing fire at him from her hands, and advancing to attack at the same time. Think of a fire bender.)

Akuji: (Continues as he is, not slowing down to talk.) That's up to you. Follow the energy, it'll guide you through your own dance.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:02 pm

Justin: (Just blocks her attacks, watching her movements and what not to analyze how she moves.)

Rina: Alright. (Goes over and starts doing as he instructed.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:12 pm

Rosia: (Just attacking him, using fire as she does. She's attacking him more furiously now, so she's faster and pushing harder to attack him.)

Akuji: You'll feel energy as you start, move with it, follow it. (Continues to move himself, not focusing on anything really.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:15 pm

Justin: (Has watched enough and dodged enough, moves in and takes her arms by the wrists and pins them behind her back. The way he has them pinned is they are both chest to chest. Runs his nose up along her neck, smelling of her skin and hair, gets to her ear and whispers.) That's enough. (Let's her go and goes back over to where his clothes are.)

Rina: (Feels this energy and starts to move with it. Letting it guide her.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:20 pm

Rosia: (Eyes widen as she feels him so close. When he runs his nose up her neck, she sucks in a deep breath as she feels an erupting heat warming her entire core. Despite the spreading warmth she shivered as she felt his breath upon her ear. Swallows some, and as he lets her go, she just stands there and stares at him, panting slightly.)

Akuji: Do you feel it? (Continues as he is. But glances over toward her for the first time sense he began.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:35 pm

Justin: (Putting his shirt back on, not looking at her or anything.)

Rina: Yes. (Just moving with the energy, her eyes closed so she can focus on it better.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:51 pm

Rosia: (Steadies herself before speaking.) I know I'm not as good as any of you right now... but I'll do everything I can to catch up.

Akuji: (Has stopped to watch her.) Working with that energy helps when you fight, it gives you more endurance in battle, gives you adrenaline and more power. You do this often, I promise you will find yourself fighting better in battle. (Can't help but watch her, he's not going to lie to himself, he thinks she's a gorgeous girl.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:54 pm

Justin: After a few missions, you will get more experience. (Sits down on a rock, and watches the river near them.)

Rina: (Does a few more moments, then stops and looks at him.) I'll have to try this more often then.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:15 pm

Rosia: (Really hopes she's not bothering him too much. Goes over and sits down on the rock next to him.) Is there any reason you like being alone, or do you just enjoy the solitude? (Was looking out at the river, but turns to look at him as she waits for an answer.)

Akuji: (Was watching her body movements, but when she slows down he looks up at her.) It's a good idea. It's not only good for magic energy, but for physical energy as well.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:23 pm

Justin: I don't need any company, I'm find by myself. The only reason I work in a team is because I have too.

Rina: I'll keep it in mind. ^^

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:35 pm

Rosia: Well... I'm sure none of us truly need company... but the real question is, do you want company? Haven't you ever thought of about having a family one day? Or even friends? What about Akuji and Rina? Don't you consider them as your friends?

Akuji: How old are you now? (Still watching her.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:21 am

Justin: (Looks ahead, thinking about that one.) I don't consider them friends, they're teammates. I might consider them more than that if we did things other than missions. We we go back to the clan, and we get a few days break, or a few weeks. We don't see each other once. I don't no if Akuji and Rina hang out, but I sure as hell don't hang out with them. As for a family ... no, I don't think that'll happen. When it comes to me, girls only want what's on the outside, not on the inside.

Rina: (Gets a confused expression on her face because she thinks that question is random.) I'm 22 now, what about you?

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:31 am

Rosia: Well... I like you... but not because of your looks. (Blushes deeply and looks away, can't believe she just admitted that. She wasn't thinking and it just kind of blurted itself out.)

Akuji: I'm [says the same age Justin is.] (Just watching her now, still has off his robe.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:34 am

Justin: (Just looking ahead, then thinks of something to say.) Don't get too close to me. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the most friendly.

Rina: Well you're a regular old man then. (Grins.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:45 am

Rosia: (Looks over at him.) Do you have any friends at all?

Akuji: Ha. I'd be better than any boy you might have had.

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