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Guardian's Heart

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:24 pm

========= Four Months Later =========

Justin: (His heart beat fast as he raced and threw himself between danger and the woman who had stolen his heart. Several swords pierce his body in multiple areas, cutting all the way through. Hot liquid leaked out from his body as he took the blow for her. He had two swords in his stomach and one in each of his shoulders. He had other piercings as well, but those where the most vital. He gritted his teeth as the pain enveloped him, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. Even with all the swords in him, he made his way toward the enemy. A man cloaked in evil, masking his presence. He only hoped the reinforcements he had called for earlier made it there very soon. He could only hold a pawn* of the Master off for so long.)

Rina: (Seen the swords enter Justin's body and called out to him.) Justin! (But she soon grabs her stomach afterwards, puking up blood. Putting a hand over her stomach, she gritted her teeth and fell to her side. The pain that was raking her body was almost too much to bear. She had received a deep wound to her stomach, but she felt more than that. She felt like she had lost something precious, but was unable to pin point what it was. The pain from the wound and the pain she felt in her heart where like ice daggers stabbing her over and over again.)

*Note: When I say pawn, I mean like one of the clones of the Master. The ones we always run into, but never the real thing. I hope that makes things clear.

Last edited by Iaya on Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:21 am; edited 2 times in total

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:57 pm

Rosia: (Her eyes widened as she seen the blades coming. When a shadow passed before her she screamed, realizing too late that Justin had protected her.) JUSTIN! (Her heart ripped in two as she watched crimson fluid drip to the ground before her from his wounds. Her leg was broken and she could not get up. Tears filled her eyes, and angrily fell down her face.) Justin! (She was terrified, but no longer of her impending death, but of the pain Justin must be feeling, all to protect her. He was badly hurt, and it could only spell disaster as the blood drained from his body. She tried to drag herself to him, wanting to reach out and pull him back, stop him from sealing his fate, but even an inch sent a wave of agony, stilling her in her tracts) Justin… please…

Akuji: Rina! (He watched her as she went down, his body pinned in the shadows by an unknown force. While the others suffered physical agony, it seemed as if he was unharmed, but simply pinned. Yet, his expression spoke differently, he was suffering. The shadows that he fought to break his hold from where slowly trying to devour him, weakening not his body, but his will. His mind phased in and out of reality as he struggled to stay grounded into the fight, if only to simply help his friends and his love. Yet, the shadowed denied him, as they tore away at his sanity, showing him Rina’s death over and over, while murdering his unborn child before his eyes. He screamed, struggling to break the hold and tell reality from the illusions.)

Squall: (It was at that moment, the senior guardian came forth, rage blooming within his steel blue eyes as he witnessed the depth of suffering this ‘master’ had caused. The sight of his son wielding many swords in his body to shield Rosia was enough to rip the Nekon right out of him. A fierce roar filled the air as he rushed in, heading straight for the pawn that had harmed them.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:28 am

Justin: (He heard the roar of anger which he knew could only belong to one man: his father. A small wave of relief washed over him at this realization.) Dad's here ... Legolas can't be too far either... everything will be alright n-- (Blood suddenly left his mouth as he coughed up blood and felt another pain, this time a sword had pierced it's way through his chest, near his heart. He felt his legs give out and landed on his hands and knees and more blood escaped his mouth as struggled to catch his breath. Again he tried to stand. Even if Squall and Legolas where here, he couldn't just lie down if he knew he could be of more help.)

Rina: I'm scared... Akuji ... (Taking deep breaths, still holding her stomach, she raised up and tried to find Akuji. She seen him close by and tried to stand up on her own, but a heavy weight had descended on her, making it even harder. She took a few steps and fell down to her knees as more blood seeped through her fingers from her wound. Tears filled her eyes.) AKUJI!

Legolas: (He came in after Squall, letting Squall handle the Master pawn, while he himself went to help the others. That was his job. He came upon Rina first and knelt down to her. Seeing the wound in her stomach. He placed his hand over hers to at least stop the bleeding so it would be easier on her. The goal was to get them out of there as soon as possible.)

Last edited by Iaya on Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:25 am; edited 4 times in total

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:59 am

Rosia: JUSTIN!! (Screams it as she seen Justin go down. Trying to crawl to him, ignoring the pain in her leg as she drags herself toward where he is.)

Akuji: (Still trying to fight his way out of those shadows. He can hear Rina’s voice.) Rina! Hold on… (Fighting as best he can, the shadows seemly dragging him into the ground itself. ) Ri---- (Black shadow wraps around his mouth, cutting off any further words as he’s pulled down into the ground through the darkness.)

Squall: (Rushes right up to the pawn and starts fighting him, pissed where he hurt the kids.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:04 am

Master's Pawn: (Can't focus on the kids anymore, Squall has his attention.)

Justin: (Slowly sinks and falls over on his side. Blood leaking out of his mouth, laying there and watching Rosia. His vision blurry as he see's her trying to get to him. Slowly moves an arm and reaches for her some, but it's very weak as he's fading. He was taking his time with Rosia, they hadn't even made love yet. He wanted her to be different than all those others girls, wanted to savor her.)

Legolas: (As he's taken care of Rina for the moment. Runs over to where Justin in and turns him to look at him.) Justin! Hold on!

Rina: (Seen Akuji just as he disappeared completely.) No! (Makes her way over to the spot he was at and desperately searches only to find nothing there.)

Last edited by Iaya on Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:28 am; edited 2 times in total

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:08 am

Rosia: (Gets to Justin and takes his outstretched hand.) Please... Justin please... (Sobbing cause she can see him fading.) Don't leave me Justin... please, please. Don't leave me.

Akuji: (He was reaching out of the shadow for Rina as it pulled him under, wanted to go to her desperately. He didn't care what happened to him, he just wanted to go to her and protect her.)

Squall: (Fighting, considering it's a pawn, he's doing pretty damn good.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:14 am

Master's Pawn: (Facing an opponent like Squall who is a thousand times stronger than the younger generation he just wreck havoc on is a difficult thing to do. He's starting to see that the odds are not in his favor.)

Justin: Ros... (Coughs up some blood.) Rosie ... (Taking some deep breaths.) I ... I love you ... I just want you to ... know that ... (Coughs up some more blood. Teeth gritted from all the pain he's in. He hadn't told her that he loved her yet, not once. He wanted to say it, but he didn't want to jinx a good thing.)

Legolas: (Doing his best to save Justin. If anybody can do it, Legolas can.)

Rina: (She's physically and emotionally hurt by what has just happened. She knows the others are hurt as well, but she knows Legolas is with them and Squall has the enemy so she's not that worried about them anymore. Worried for Akuji. Looks around frantically for anything that might help her to get to Akuji. Stands up and goes to leave the room, but falls down to her knees again. Shaking, unable to move very far. Holding herself tightly as she tries to regain her composure to try to find where they took Akuji.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:59 pm

Squall: (Giving him the beat down of his life. No one touches his son.)

Rosia: (Takes Justin’s hand and puts it to her face, crying heavily.) I love you too Justin. I always have... Please, stay with me. (Looks to Legolas.) Don’t let him die… oh please don’t let him die… (The pain in her heart is far greater than the pain in her leg.)

Akuji: (Gone, nothing is left there for her to find, only shadows.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:05 pm

Master Pawn: (After taking too much damage from Squall, he teleports out of there.)

Legolas: I'm not going to let him die. (Working with all he's got.)

Rina: (Throws up again onto the flood, holding herself as she falls to the side, consciousness leaving her.) Akuji ...

Justin: (Coughs up some more blood, feeling himself about to pass out. Struggling to keep his eyes open. Very pale from all the blood he's lost. Gasps as he feels the swords being pulled from his body. Grits his teeth from it all. That sudden pain keeping him from passing out. He can hear Rosia's words and they make him happy, he's just unable to respond to them just yet.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:22 pm

Squall: (Once the pawn is gone he turns back, going over to where Justin is.) Is he going to make it Legolas? (You can see his jaw line tightening, as if he's bracing himself for the worst.)

Rosia: (Just holding Justin's hand, nods to Legolas' words. Then, she looks up and looks over toward Rina and Akuji. Gasps a bit.) Akuji's gone!

Squall: (Looks up and over toward them. Was so focused on checking on his own son, he neglected the others. Swears a bit under his breath and goes over to Rina, gently picking her up as he looks around to see where Akuji is. Comes back with her in his arms.) I don't see him anywhere, I'll take her back to the clan, then I'll come back and look for the mage. (Looks again at Justin, but looks away after a minute. Just before he teleports out.) Be strong, Justin. (Teleports back with Rina and takes her to Ak to care for.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:30 pm

Legolas: (Justin's life was in danger and thus Legolas had to give Justin his care first. The others had wounds, but they weren't dying. Nods to Squall taking Rina back. Working on Justin, almost has him in the clear.)

Justin: (Can hear Squall but he can only vaguely make what he's saying. Grits his teeth as anther wave of pain washes over him.)

Rina: Akuji ... Akuji ... (A little out of it right now. Feels someone carrying her.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:37 pm

Rosia: (Just staying with Justin, won't leave him. Just holding his hand and crying, watching him with concern and worry.)

Squall: Shh... it's alright. We'll get him back. (Gets into Ak's house.) Anise!!

Anise: (Comes downstairs, could hear in his voice that something was up.) Oh! (Runs over to where she is.) she's covered in blood!

Squall: It's alright, Legolas already healed the wound, she's just weak now.

Anise: (Nods and looks up at him.) Where are the rest of them....? (Has a tight feeling in her chest.)

Squall: (Just gives her a look.) Legolas is taking care of it.

Anise: (Gets worried.) Justin...?

Squall: (Tightens his jaw.) Legolas is taking care of it.

Anise: (Puts a hand over her mouth. Can tell by the way Squall is acting that he's hurt.) Oh god... (Gets tears in her eyes.)

Squall: (Takes Rina upstairs and puts her in a bed.) Keep watch on her. I've got something to take care of. (Teleports out of there.)

Anise: (Nodded to him, knows how Squall can get.) Okay... (Goes and gets some warm wags and goes about cleaning Rina up and taking care of her.) Shh... it's alright, your safe now. (Can't help but cry a little. She's worried about her son, and all the blood on Rina and her weakness is making it worst.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:31 pm

Justin: (His eyes roll back in his head as he finally loses consciousness, but his breathing has evened out.)

Legolas: We are going back to the Clan when Squall gets back. I'll finish bandaging up Justin when we get there.

Rina: (Opens here eyes and looks around.) Where am I ...? Where's Akuji ...? (Grits her teeth as she feels the pain in her stomach. Eyes water up some.) I don't think everybody made it ...

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:00 pm

Rosia: (Just crying, nods at Legolas’ words.) He’ll be okay now…?

Squall: (Teleports back, looks at Justin then to Legolas expectantly. Wanting to know how Justin is. After he hears what Legolas has to say he’s going to hunt for Akuji.)

Anise: Shh… It’s going to be okay… (Cleaning some blood off her, but then notices that there is some blood around her thighs, her eyes widen. Swallows something and looks at Rina with a gentle smile, trying not to alarm her. Puts hand on her belly and uses her powers without Rina knowing. That’s when she feels it.) Oh… I’m really sorry. (Bites her lip. She’s going to tell Legolas when he gets back, but she’s not going to tell Rina right now.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:51 pm

Legolas: (See's that Squall is back and nods to him.) He's out of the danger zone for now. I've done what I can for him, but these are wounds from a master so they will take time to heal. Most of it depends on his will. (Looks at Rosia.) But he has someone here waiting for him, so I'm sure he'll pull through. (Looks at Squall.) I've saved your son, now do me the honor and go and save mine. (Puts a hand over his own chest and bows a little to Squall.)

Justin: (Out like a light, is finally resting peacefully.)

Rina: (Just puts a hand over her face as Ak cleans her up. Deep down she knows what has happened and it bothers her that she knew nothing of it till it was too late.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:57 pm

Squall: (Lets out a breath of relief.) Thank you, Legolas. (Puts a hand on his shoulder and looks to Rosia.) He loves you so he’ll come back to you. Just stay with him and give him some time. (Turns back to Legolas.) I won’t return until I find him. (With that he takes off to find Akuji.)

Rosia: (Just nods to Squall and Legolas, still has tears falling. But that pain in her heart is easing just a little. Glad it’s going better.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:28 pm

Legolas: (Nods his head and teleports back to the clan, to where the hospital is. Puts Justin in a bed and picks Rosia up as well and puts her in a bed near him.) Let me bandage him and we'll take care of you alright. (Smiles to her and turns and heads to get some bandages and other things he needs.)

Justin: (Will probable be out for a day or two.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:22 pm

Rosia: (Just nods and turns to look toward where Justin is, still concerned. She's tired though and her leg is still throbbing. She probably won't be able to stay awake much longer.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:59 am

Legolas: (Comes back to where Rosia and Justin is and starts bandaging Justin up.)

Justin: (Sleeping peacefully.)

Rina: (Has now fallen asleep herself.)

Last edited by Iaya on Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:13 am

Rosia: (Just laying there and watching Justin as he sleeps. Her eyes are fluttering shut themselves and she's finding it hard to fall asleep. She eventually does though.)

Anise: (After she gets Rina cleaned up some and once she's asleep she waits a little while before giving Legolas a call. His phone rings.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:57 am

Legolas: (When Ak called, he was already done bandaging up Justin and was in the process of finishing up with Rosia. Hears his phone start ringing and answers it without even looking at it. Just flips it open. XD) Yes?

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:01 pm

Anise: Hey Legolas... I've got Rina over here. (She's in another room from Rina so Rina can't hear her.) I think you should come take a look at her... I think she was pregnant...

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:34 pm

Legolas: (Hears what she says and is silent for a few moments. Sighs lightly over the phone.) Alright. I'll be there in a moment, as soon as I finish with Rosia's leg. Actually, would you bring her to me? I'll put her in the room with the other two so I can keep an eye on them better. Justin is here as well, you can come see him now if you'd like.

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  LadyAnise Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:37 pm

Anise: (Gets silent for a moment, was wanting to know how Justin was.) I'll be there in a moment. (She's scared to go and see him, but she's going to anyway. After she hangs up, she goes over and gently picks up Rina, able to do so with only a small amount of effort. She then teleports to where Legolas is.) Here she is Legolas. (Her eyes wonder over to Rosia and Justin and she instantly gets tears in her eyes.) Oh... (She can see how bad Justin is.)

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Guardian's Heart - Page 23 Empty Re: Guardian's Heart

Post  Iaya Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:41 pm

Legolas: (Had just finished up with Rosia's leg when Ak arrived. It was easier for him to tend to Rosia's wound because she was asleep. XD Takes Rina from her and puts her in a bed by Rosia's. Goes about having a look at him.) He almost didn't make it, but I managed to save him ... I believe his wounds where meant for Rosia, but he took the blow for her.

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